Atlanta human rights activist Joe Beasley has returned from a site tour of Haiti and determined that the Red Cross has properly managed its earthquake-relief programs in Haiti, despite published reports to the contrary.
Joe Beasley visited areas of Haiti where news reports say the Red Cross has failed to properly manage nearly $500 million in relief aid since the 2010 earthquakes. Credit: Garry Calixte/American Red Cross
“I was pleased with the work the American Red Cross is doing in Haiti,” ...more
Manuel’s Tavern could be surrounded by an array of homes, shops and offices if the Atlanta City Council approves the first step in a rezoning process that is to get its first hearing Tuesday at the council’s Community Development Committee.
Manuel Maloof, the tavern’s namesake, posed with a donkey outside the tavern to promote his 1987 campaign for reelection as DeKalb County’s CEO. Credit:
The committee is to consider a proposal that would pave the way for the land beneath ...more
Georgia’s population of Northern Bobwhite Quail has declined by 90 percent since 1966, and the state has won national recognition for a program to promote the bird’s recovery – and to stabilize the $125 million quail-hunting industry clustered around Albany.
Georgia’s program to promote the Northern Bobwhite Quail has earned national recognition. The bird is at the heart of Georgia’s economically significant quail hunting industry. Credit:
Quail are relocated from areas where they are relatively abundant, to areas where they ...more
Proximity to a charter school increases home values in three metro Atlanta school districts, according to a new report released by Georgia State University.
Charles R. Drew Charter School opened in 2000 in Atlanta and has contributed to an increase in property values in the East Lake neighborhood. Credit:
The report determined that home sales prices were from 7 percent to 13 percent higher in areas where youngsters had the greatest chance to attend a charter school.
The study examined property ...more
BALTIMORE – Once upon a time, Atlanta wanted to create the same kind of magic that enabled Baltimore to build a tourism destination around an aquarium. Those days seem long ago.
The entrance plaza to the National Aquarium was devoid of pedestrians and vehicles Sunday around noon, about three hours after the facility had opened. Credit: David Pendered
On Sunday, spacious walkways around the National Aquarium were mostly vacant. There was no queue at the aquarium’s main entrance. Outdoor cafes on ...more
Starting in spring 2016, every GRTA Xpress bus route will be affected by an overhaul of bus routes that’s intended to increase bus ridership.
As part of its realignment of routes in downtown Atlanta, GRTA intends to ensure that drivers follow the law and are courteous toward vehicles and pedestrians. Credit: David Pendered
GRTA intends to revise bus routes in Downtown Atlanta and add service to the Perimeter business district from Cobb and Gwinnett counties, and Cumming.
The purpose of the first ...more
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed has said Atlanta will condemn a homeless shelter located at the corner of Peachtree and Pine streets because controversy has lingered, “too long.” Meanwhile, the Obama administration has filed a brief in a federal lawsuit in favor of the rights of homeless persons.
A missionary serving with the group, Saved Life, snapped this photo in 2010 of a man sleeping across a street from the Peachtree and Pine homeless shelter. Credit:
On Aug. 6, the federal ...more
The forced resignation of William Perry, former executive director of Common Cause of Georgia, speaks to the breadth of redirection of the national organization under the leadership of former Clinton cabinet member Robert Reich.
William Perry
The national Common Cause organization installed in 2014 a president, Miles Rapoport, who has said he intends to work on economic opportunity issues, sustainability and environmental protection.
Reich, President Clinton’s labor secretary, recused himself from the selection process because of his previous relation with Rapoport, according ...more
By David Pendered
The Castle mansion in Midtown has been nominated for the National Register of Historic Places, according to an agenda item slated for consideration Wednesday by the Atlanta Urban Design Commission.
The last event hosted at the Castle was, “sunday fun day,” on July 26. The space is to reopen in September, according to its Facebook page. Credit:
The applicant is David Crass, the state historic preservation officer and director of the Historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department ...more
By David Pendered
The Fox Theatre released today an economic impact study that shows the financial returns of the effort begun 40 years ago to save the theater from demolition.
The Fox Theatre was saved from demolition and created $25 million in economic impact in 2014, a new study shows. Credit:
The study shows the theater’s 500,000-plus visitors a year created in 2014:
$25 million in total economic impact, excluding ticket sales;
757 jobs;
$2.8 million in sales tax, in 2014.
The jobs category includes ...more