Atlanta’s Watershed Department cited this chart to illustrate the increase in the release of bacteria and chlorine from the city’s combined sewer overflow facilities. Click on the graphic for a larger version. Credit: City of Atlanta
Fecal bacteria and residual chlorine flow at “problematic” levels from Atlanta’s sewer system into waterways and the repair bill could hit $40 million, according to new legislation to be discussed this week by a committee of the Atlanta City Council.
An additional $11 million expense ...more
Chickamauga veteran J.J. Dackett was photographed wearing a hat with bullet holes made during the historic battle. Credit: Library of Congress via
Sacred ground in the Chickamauga Battlefield in northwest Georgia will be accessed along an enhanced gateway in Fort Oglethorpe once the state completes a project that’s just received a $3 million federal grant.
Casualties numbered 34,000 in the three-day Battle of Chickamauga in September 1863. The losses were second during the Civil War only to the 51,000 recorded ...more
MARTA's advertisement for bus drivers emphasizes customer service. Credit: MARTA
MARTA is beginning the New Year with a job fair to hire full-time bus operators.
The jobs provide benefits and pay from $13.68 to $19.54 an hour. The jobs fair, for an unspecified number of drivers, is slated from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday at MARTA’s headquarters, located adjacent to the Lindbergh Station.
The hiring program is part of MARTA’s focus on restoring levels of customer service that were trimmed to ...more
Christine Todd Whitman
Georgia’s utility regulator made the right decision in allowing Georgia Power to raise rates to pay for power plant upgrades before the work is complete, according to former EPA administrator Christine Todd Whitman.
“What that does is prevent a cliff from developing, where you have to recover costs all at once,” Whitman said. “We have aging infrastructure. That’s a challenge everyone is facing across the country.”
Whitman spoke with discuss her concerns about a guest column on solar ...more
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed
The stars may be aligning for a vote in Atlanta in 2014 to raise money from taxpayers to hasten repairs of the city’s broken sidewalks, streets, bridges and other public infrastructure.
The bond referendum to which Mayor Kasim Reed recommitted himself Friday could be called in a year large numbers likely will turn out to vote for a U.S. senator and state governor. The timing has pros and cons.
In addition, calling the referendum in 2014 would capitalize ...more
Coal-fired power plants, such as Plant Bowen near Cartersville, are supported by a majority of millennials, according to a poll by the Sierra Club’s Georgia chapter. Credit: (2008)
Young Georgia voters strongly favor the proposed Georgia Power rate hike and fewer than half support shifting from coal to renewables to generate electricity, according to a results of a poll by the Georgia chapter of the Sierra Club.
The polling company advised against reading too much into results from the millennials ...more
Hog waste is piped into lagoons, where it is stored until it’s sprayed on nearby land. Credit:
Environmentalists are praising a decision by state officials to delay consideration of a proposal to ease regulations on hog farming.
“We applaud the DNR Board for helping to put a stop to the shortsighted rollback,” Chris Manganiello, policy director for Georgia River Network, said in a statement.
The board that oversees the Georgia Department of Natural Resources has deferred action on a proposal that ...more
Employment opportunities are limited in areas where businesses are shuttered, such as this store near Fort McPherson. Credit: David Pendered
Two events Wednesday cast outlooks on poverty in metro Atlanta and a path that could lead one poor area toward prosperity.
A Harvard University professor confirmed a shocking report released earlier this year – social conditions in metro Atlanta result in it being the worst urban region in the country in terms of children born into poverty moving into the middle ...more
The English Avenue area is one of three neigbborhoods slated for improvements related to the future Falcons stadium. Credit: Kristian Weatherspoon via
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed prevailed Monday when the Atlanta City Council approved a community benefits deal that will release $200 million in city funds for the future Falcons stadium.
Reed wanted a deal done by year’s end, and the council approved the deal unanimously. But the issue may not be over: Some civic leaders threaten to file a ...more
Atlanta City Council President Ceasar Mitchell hopes a task force can promote development near Turner Field. Credit:
Never let it be said that the Atlanta City Council doesn’t have a sense of hope and humor.
The council will ask the Atlanta Braves to serve on a task force to recommend ways to spiff up the Turner Field area. The Braves intend to leave the Ted for Cobb County starting with the 2017 season.
In addition, the council expects to adopt Monday ...more