David Pendered is managing editor of SaportaReport.com, a website that covers the urban affairs of metro Atlanta. Pendered’s work has appeared in Urban Land, the magazine of the Urban Land Institute, and several print and digital sites around the region. Pendered is contributing to an upcoming book to be published by the American Planning Association.
Pendered is an Atlanta journalist with more than 30 years experience reporting on regional and statewide issues from Atlanta City Hall to the state Capitol. In 2008, he left The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and opened Pendered Consulting.
Pendered has written for print and digital publications, and advised on media and governmental affairs, drawing on more than 26 years with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in which he won awards for his coverage of schools and urban development.
David graduated from North Carolina State University and was a Western Knight Center Fellow. David was born in Pennsylvania, grew up in North Carolina and is married to a fifth-generation Atlantan. – See more at: http://saportareport.com/about/#sthash.obOCGGEm.dpuf