Mercedes-Benz cites region’s quality of life in relocation: Moody’s Investors Service

It comes as no surprise that Moody’s Investors Service views Mercedes-Benz’s relocation to metro Atlanta as a “credit positive” for Atlanta and Fulton County.

What is interesting is the set of reasons for the relocation that are cited in Moody’s report. “Quality of life” ranks on the list of motives to move from New Jersey.

Incidentally, although the Jan. 15 credit outlook issued by Moody’s emphasizes the decision by Mercedes-Benz, it also mentions three other companies that have left New Jersey for sites in the South. Their departure is deemed a “credit negative” for the Garden State.

According to the statement:

The same paragraph of the report goes on to cite the comparative affluence of New Jersey residents – and the flat growth rate of the statewide income. It doesn’t specify how these factors may have factored into Mercedes’-Benz’s decision to relocate to metro Atlanta. The paragraph continues:

These themes outlined in Moody’s report differ from some common refrains among some metro Atlanta officials, who tend to focus on the region’s challenges. There’s plenty of talk about traffic congestion, ailing public schools, and the persistently high unemployment rate.

Moody’s doesn’t define, “quality of life,” as characterized by the corporate officials with whom analysts spoke. But having “quality of life” mentioned in the same breath as metro Atlanta is of note, especially when it comes from a company that plans to build a $93 million headquarters and employ up to 1,000 persons in an area thought to be Sandy Springs.

Gov. Nathan Deal touted the Mercedes-Benz decision in his State of the State address. According to the prepared remarks:

Low taxes are cited as the primary reason for the relocation of Mercedes-Benz and other companies that have left New Jersey. According to the report:

Moody’s provided the following observation in its closing remarks: