This may be a breakout year for millennials in metro Atlanta because the region’s current leaders are actively encouraging young folks to step into the public realm. One question is the form the relationship will take.
Metro Atlanta civic leaders are seeking to ways to engage millennials such as Sarah Ayres in the public arena. Ayres was in a Midtown cafe while Pony was served on the sidewalk. Credit: David Pendered
Bill Bolling didn’t mince any words in his comments to ...more
Editor’s note: Visit our page Sept. 22 to read more on this subject and the broader issue of millennials in metro Atlanta.
The Atlanta Regional Commission recruited some of the sharpest millennial minds in metro Atlanta to come up with their best solutions to the region’s thorniest problems. The overarching response is that no challenge is too great if folks are willing to try new things and work together.
ARC Executive Director Doug Hooker recorded the slides and videos presented during ...more
Atlanta is poised to adopt a comprehensive plan intended to reduce the city’s greenhouse gas emissions and forestall climate change, much like sustainability initiatives at Emory University and Spelman College that have resulted in their ranking among the greenest campuses in the country.
Atlanta is home to at least 85 community and school gardens, and at least 10 urban farms, according to the proposed Atlanta Climate Action Plan, which proposes to expand the city’s food programs. Credit:
Lofty goals outlined ...more
A new report commissioned by Environment Georgia provides a status report on the nation’s solar power industry and shows Georgia ranks second in the country in terms of growth in solar capacity since 2012.
Athens-Clarke County Commissioner Melissa Link spoke at an event to mark the release of “Lighting the Way,” a report on the state of solar power in the nation. The others are (l-r) Warren McPherson, director of Athens Montessori School; Gerd Schroth, a solar installer at Solar ...more
The value of patience and persistence is one lesson citizen advocates learned from the state’s decision to grant the headwaters of the Conasauga River, in north Georgia, the highest level of protection available under the federal Clean Water Act.
Environment Georgia wrote the latest chapter in the book on citizen advocacy when it prevailed in an effort to grant the highest level of protection to the headwaters of the Conasauga River. Credit: Environment Georgia
Environment Georgia has written the latest chapter ...more
Atlanta is joining the ranks of New York City and Sacramento, Ca. in promoting urban agriculture, a fast-growing trend that promotes the growing of plant food in and near the urban core of a metropolitan area.
New York City has designated about a dozen city agencies to oversee its urban agriculture program.
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed announced Sept. 2 that he has created and posted the position of “Urban Agriculture Director.” The position will be based in the mayor’s Office of ...more
Georgia has declared the headwaters of the Conasauga River, in north Georgia, as the state’s first “Outstanding National Resource Water.” The designation provides the highest level of protection available under the federal Clean Water Act.
Georgia has designated an 11-mile stretch of the headwaters of the Conasauga River as one that receives the highest level of protection under the federal Clean Water Act. Credit: Environment Georgia
The Georgia Board of Natural Resources voted Aug. 25 to designate an 11-mile stretch of ...more
Moody’s Investors Service has reduced the credit outlook of Southern Co. from stable to negative as a result of Southern’s decision to purchase AGL Resources. Moody’s affirmed Southern’s current ratings, but expects to reduce ratings if the AGL deal goes through as announced.
Plant Vogtle is adding to the financial drag that Moodys Investors Service says will prompt it to downgrade Southern’s credit rating as Southern purchases AGL Resources. Credit:
According to a ratings statement Moodys issued Aug. 24:
“The Southern ...more
It turns out that the Atlanta Streetcar will utilize the Breeze Card, despite an earlier report by a top city official that it isn’t cost efficient and resulted in no fares being collected this year. In addition, the streetcar has a new interim executive director, according to a statement issued Thursday by Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed’s office.
Atlanta’s streetcar system serves the Downtown area. File/Credit:
A main reason for interest in the fare technology is that Reed told Central Atlanta ...more
Atlanta human rights activist Joe Beasley has returned from a site tour of Haiti and determined that the Red Cross has properly managed its earthquake-relief programs in Haiti, despite published reports to the contrary.
Joe Beasley visited areas of Haiti where news reports say the Red Cross has failed to properly manage nearly $500 million in relief aid since the 2010 earthquakes. Credit: Garry Calixte/American Red Cross
“I was pleased with the work the American Red Cross is doing in Haiti,” ...more