Earth movers have started working, in recent days, on an apparent roadway beneath the MLK Drive viaduct. This work is being done near at least one of the parcels Atlanta has been asked to abandon. Credit: David Pendered
A committee of the Atlanta City Council tapped the brakes Tuesday on what had been a fast-moving proposal to allow Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to be rerouted in a way that’s said to provide for VIP parking at the new Falcons ...more
The Falcons seek to revamp this intersection of Northside Drive and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in order to build a new stadium. The Georgia Dome is to be demolished. Credit: Donita Pendered
A planned VIP parking lot at the future Falcons stadium will require a virtual dead end of Martin Luther King Jr. Drive at the stadium, and will affect the road’s ability to become the grand boulevard envisioned by Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed.
The first public discussion of this ...more
Employment opportunities are limited in areas where businesses are shuttered, such as this store near Fort McPherson. Credit: David Pendered
Two events Wednesday cast outlooks on poverty in metro Atlanta and a path that could lead one poor area toward prosperity.
A Harvard University professor confirmed a shocking report released earlier this year – social conditions in metro Atlanta result in it being the worst urban region in the country in terms of children born into poverty moving into the middle ...more
The English Avenue area is one of three neigbborhoods slated for improvements related to the future Falcons stadium. Credit: Kristian Weatherspoon via
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed prevailed Monday when the Atlanta City Council approved a community benefits deal that will release $200 million in city funds for the future Falcons stadium.
Reed wanted a deal done by year’s end, and the council approved the deal unanimously. But the issue may not be over: Some civic leaders threaten to file a ...more
Atlanta City Council President Ceasar Mitchell hopes a task force can promote development near Turner Field. Credit:
Never let it be said that the Atlanta City Council doesn’t have a sense of hope and humor.
The council will ask the Atlanta Braves to serve on a task force to recommend ways to spiff up the Turner Field area. The Braves intend to leave the Ted for Cobb County starting with the 2017 season.
In addition, the council expects to adopt Monday ...more
The Atlanta City Council is slated to vote Dec. 2 on the community benefits deal that must be approved before the city can provide $200 million in construction funding for the future Falcons stadium.
The Community Benefits Plan Committee approved the deal Monday night, setting the stage for the vote Tuesday in the Atlanta City Council’s Community Development Committee. Credit: David Pendered
The council’s Community Development Committee approved an amended deal at 7:20 p.m., almost four hours after residents of stadium ...more
Expect a tour de force starting Monday from those who are ready to wrap up five months worth of talks about a community benefits deal for three neighborhoods adjacent to the future Falcons stadium.
And expect the discussion to occur in a bit of a vacuum.
Public attention has drifted to Cobb County and the county commission’s scheduled vote Tuesday over public funding for a Braves stadium. In addition, the bulk of the Atlanta communities’ work product on the Falcons deal has ...more
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed is on track to wrap up on Dec. 2 the loose ends of the city’s promise to provide $200 million to the Falcons for a new stadium.
Mayor Kasim Reed (with microphone) describes his vision for his second term to the Northwest Community Alliance. Credit: Donita Pendered
For that to happen, a committee that’s worked on a community benefits plan since July was told Wednesday night that it will not get to recommend a plan to the ...more
Discussions at two meetings Wednesday night should shed more light on developments with the Falcons and Braves stadiums.
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed likely will discuss the Braves move to Cobb County with the Northwest Community Alliance. Just before that event, a city committee will be asked to adopt a community benefits plan related to the Falcons stadium.
Meanwhile, at a third meeting, city planning officials will discuss a new city report that confirms that Atlanta’s football and baseball ...more
The stage is all but set for the Atlanta City Council to approve on Dec. 2 the community benefits deal that’s required for the city to provide its $200 million to help pay for a new Falcons stadium.
A video released late Thursday intends to raise awareness of the need for a binding agreement to restore the neighborhoods. Credit: “Making the Case for Vine City and English Avenue”
Whether that will happen remains a huge question. There likely is a good ...more